Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Principle of Electric Motor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Principle of Electric Motor - Essay Example If the current carrying conductor is bent in a rectangular loop, then the two opposite sides that are at right angles to the magnetic field will experience force (Hyper Physics, n.d.). The direction of the force on both rectangular loop sides will be opposite to each other and therefore will produce a torque to the loop and the loops will continuously rotate. In practical applications an electric motor have a large number of loops attached to the coil armature and the magnetic field is generally produced by large electromagnets. Mainly two types of electric motors are widely used and there is slight difference between the working principles of DC and AC electric motors. Working of DC and AC electric Motor: In DC electric motor electricity to the armature coil is supplied through a commutator. Commutator reverses the current after every half cycle so that the torque applied to the armature is in one direction only and thus the coil rotates in single direction. In an AC electric motor the AC current is passed through the rotating contacts. These rotating contacts are also called brushes and the main disadvantage of these AC motors is that a part of energy is wasted as heat, which also shorten the life of the electric motor, however in an AC motor the magnetic field is also produced by same AC voltage (Hyper Physics, n.d.).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Precepts of Ptah Essay Example for Free

Precepts of Ptah Essay Traditionally, Ptah is the creator and god of Memphis, the capital of Ancient Egypt. Historically, the mythological figure is much more. *** One of the most important gods of ancient Egypt was Ptah of Memphis, a creator god and a director of human destinies. Mrs. Holmbergs study is essentially a reference book based on ancient textual sources and is primarily directed toward the Egyptologist. In the last chapter Mrs. Holmberg wrestles with the origin of the belief in Ptah and exposes the current Egyptological perplexity about the origins of the worship of their historical gods. One leading theory is the notion that the Egyptians from the beginning recognized a supreme being under various names in different places. This being was the one primeval god, the creator god, and the continuing ruler of men and the other gods. In its extreme expression this view is a sort of practical monotheism, since the more important gods are brought together under one theological heading and the lesser gods are made clearly subordinate. The opposing theory is geopolitically evolutionary. This view would argue that the most primitive deities were countless local gods who were gradually reduced in number by the enlarging of political units through conquest and assimilation. As the Egyptian nation emerged, the more successful of these local gods became cosmic forces-in part through political elevation of one cult-center over others, in part through a process of syncretism, and in part through mans attempt to answer the questions of his cosmological and cosmogonic speculation. Mrs. Holmberg tends to hesitate between these two theories, and in the present state of our ignorance about prehistoric origins one can hardly blame her. 1 PTAH – HOTEP Ptah-Hotep a was well – known Egyptian sage (sage of Ptah, per se) that dates from around 2200 BCE. He may even have enjoyed a celebrity status. Whatever his fame, he was an advisor to the King and would have been viewed as a very high ranking official.A collection of precepts is attributed to him, although scholars debate the actual author (and dating) of the document. 1 The God Ptah by Maj Sandman Holmberg Review by: John A. Wilson The Journal of Religion , Vol. 28, No. 3 (Jul., 1948), p. 229 Published by: The University of Chicago Press CP 1 Ancient History Sourcebook: The Precepts of Ptah-Hotep, c. 2200 BCE Precepts of the prefect, the lord Ptah-hotep, under the Majesty of the King of the South and North, Assa, living eternally forever. The prefect, the feudal lord Ptah-hotep, says: O Ptah with the two crocodiles, my lord, the progress of age changes into senility. Decay falls upon man and decline takes the place of youth. A vexation weighs upon him every day; sight fails, the ear becomes deaf; his strength dissolves without ceasing. The mouth is silent, speech fails him; the mind decays, remembering not the day before. The whole body suffers. That which is good becomes evil; taste completely disappears. Old age makes a man altogether miserable; the nose is stopped up, breathing no more from exhaustion. Standing or sitting there is here a condition of . . . Who will cause me to have authority to speak, that I may declare to him the words of those who have heard the counsels of former days? And the counsels heard of the gods, who will give me authority to declare them? Cause that it be so and that evil be removed from those that are enlightened; send the double . . . The majesty of this god says: Instruct him in the sayings of former days. It is this which constitutes the merit of the children of the great. All that which makes the soul equal penetrates him who hears it, and that which it says produces no satiety. Beginning of the arrangement of the good sayings, spoken by the noble lord, the divine father, beloved of Ptah, the son of the king, the first-born of his race, the prefect and feudal lord Ptah- hotep, so as to instruct the ignorant in the knowledge of the arguments of the good sayings. It is profitable for him who hears them, it is a loss to him who shall transgress them. He says to his son: Be not arrogant because of that which you know; deal with the ignorant as with the learned; for the barriers of art are not closed, no artist being in possession of the perfection to which he should aspire. But good words are more difficult to find than the emerald, for it is by slaves that that is discovered among the rocks of pegmatite. If you find a disputant while he is hot, and if he is superior to you in ability, l ower the hands, bend the back, do not get into a passion with him. As he will not let you destroy his words, it is utterly wrong to interrupt him; that proclaims that you are incapable of keeping yourself calm, when you are contradicted. If then you have to do with a disputant while he is hot,  imitate one who does not stir. You have the advantage over him if you keep silence when he is uttering evil words. The better of the two is he who is impassive, say the bystanders, and you are right in the opinion of the great. 2 If you find a disputant while he is hot, do not despise him because you are not of the same opinion. Be not angry against him when he is wrong; away with such a thing. He fights against himself; require him not further to flatter your feelings. Do not amuse yourself with the spectacle which you have before you; it is odious, it is mean, it is the part of a despicable soul so to do. As soon as you let yourself be moved by your feelings, combat this desire as a thing that is reproved by the great. If you have, as leader, to decide on the conduct of a great number of men, seek the most perfect manner of doing so that your own conduct may be without reproach. Justice is great, invariable, and assured; it has not been disturbed since the age of Ptah. To throw obstacles in the way of the laws is to open the way before violence. Shall that which is below gain the upper hand, if the unjust does not attain to the place of justice? Even he who says: I take for myself, of my own free-will; but says not: I take by virtue of my authority. The limitations of justice are invariable; such is the instruction which every man receives from his father. Inspire not men with fear, else Ptah will fight against you in the same manner. If any one asserts that he lives by such means, Ptah will take away the bread from his mouth; if any one asserts that he enriches himself thereby, Ptah says: I may take those riches to myself. If any one asserts that he beats others, Ptah will end by reducing him to impotence. Let no one inspire men with fear; this is the will of Ptah. Let one provide sustenance for them in the lap of peace; it will then be that they will freely give what has been torn from them by terror. If you are among the persons seated at meat in the house of a greater man than yourself, take that which he gives you, bowing to the ground. Regard that which is placed before you, but point not at it; regard it not frequently; he is a blameworthy person who departs from this rule. Speak not to the great man more than he requires, for one knows not what may be displeasing to him. Speak when he invites you and your worth will be pleasing. As for the great man who has plenty of means of existence, his  conduct is as he himself wishes. He does that which pleases him; if he desires to repose, he realizes his intention. The great man stretching forth his hand does that to which other men do not attain. But as the means of existence are under the will of Ptah, one can not rebel against it. If you are one of those who bring the messages of one great man to another, conform yourself exactly to that wherewith he has charged you; perform for him the commission as he has enjoined you. Beware of altering in speaking the offensive words which one great person addresses to another; he who perverts the trustfulness of his way, in order to repeat only what produces pleasure in the words of every man, great or small, is a detestable person. If you are a farmer, gather the crops in the field which the great Ptah has given you, do not boast in the house of your neighbors; it is better to make oneself dreaded by ones deeds. As for him who, master of his own way of acting, being all-powerful, seizes the goods of others like a crocodile in the midst even of watchment, his children are an object of malediction, of scorn, and of hatred on account of it, while his father is grievously distressed, and as for the mother 3  who has borne him, happy is another rather than herself. But a ma n becomes a god when he is chief of a tribe which has confidence in following him. If you abase yourself in obeying a superior, your conduct is entirely good before Ptah. Knowing who you ought to obey and who you ought to command, do not lift up your heart against him. As you know that in him is authority, be respectful toward him as belonging to him. Wealth comes only at Ptahs own good-will, and his caprice only is the law; as for him who . . Ptah, who has created his superiority, turns himself from him and he is overthrown. Be active during the time of your existence, do no more than is commanded. Do not spoil the time of your activity; he is a blameworthy person who makes a bad use of his moments. Do not lose the daily opportunity of increasing that which your house possesses. Activity produces riches, and riches do not endure when it slackens. If you are a wise man, bring up a son who shall be pleasing to Ptah. If he conforms his conduct to your way and occupies himself with your affairs as is right, do to him all the good you can; he is your son, a person attached to you whom your own self has begotten. Separate not your heart from him. But if he conducts himself ill and transgresses  your wish, if he rejects all counsel, if his mouth goes according to the evil word, strike him on the mouth in return. Give orders without hesitation to those who do wrong, to him whose temper is turbulent; and he will not deviate from the straight path, and there will be no obstacle to interrupt the way. If you are employed in the larit, stand or sit rather than walk about. Lay down rules for yourself from the first: not to absent yourself even when weariness overtakes you. Keep an eye on him who enters announcing that what he asks is secret; what is entrusted to you is above appreciation, and all contrary argument is a matter to be rejected. He is a god who penetrates into a place where no relaxation of the rules is made for the privileged. If you are with people who display for you an extreme affection, saying: Aspiration of my heart, aspiration of my heart, where there is no remedy! That which is said in your heart, let it be realized by springing up spontaneously. Sovereign master, I give myself to your opinion. Your name is approved without speaking. Your body is full of vigor, your face is above your neighbors. If then you are accustomed to this excess of flattery, and there be an obstacle to you in your desires, then your impulse is to obey your passion. But he who . . . according to his caprice, his soul is . . ., his body is . . . While the man who is master of his soul is superior to those whom Ptah has loaded with his gifts; the man who obeys his passion is under the power of his wife. Declare your line of conduct without reticence; give your opinion in the council of your lord; while there are people who turn back upon their own words when they speak, so as not to offend him who has put forward a statement, and answer not in this fashion: He is the great man who will recognize the error of another; and when he shall raise his voice to oppose the other about it he will keep silence after what I have said. 4 If you are a leader, setting forward your plans according to that which you decide, perform perfect actions which posterity may remember, without letting the words prevail with you which multiply flattery, which excite pride and produce vanity. If you are a leader of peace, listen to the discourse of the petitioner. Be not abrupt with him; that would trouble him. Say not to him: You have already recounted this. Indulgence will encourage him to accomplish the object of his coming. As for being abrupt with the complainant because he described what passed when the injury was done, instead of complaining of the injury itself let it not be! The way to obtain a clear explanation is to listen with kindness. If you desire to excite respect within the house you enter, for example the house of a superior, a friend, or any person of consideration, in short everywhere where you enter, keep yourself from making advances to a woman, for there is nothing good in so doing. There is no prudence in taking part in it, and thousands of men destroy themselves in order to enjoy a moment, brief as a dream, while they gain death, so as to know it. It is a villainous intention, that of a man who thus excites himself; if he goes on to carry it out, his mind abandons him. For as for him who is without repugnance for such an act, there is no good sense at all in him. If you desire that your conduct should be good and preserved from all evil, keep yourself from every attack of bad humor. It is a fatal malady which leads to discord, and there is no longer any existence for him who gives way to it. For it introduces discord between fathers and mothers, as well as between brothers and sisters; it causes the wife and the husband to hate each other; it contains all kinds of wickedness, it embodies all kinds of wrong. When a man has established his just equilibrium and walks in this path, there where he makes his dwelling, there is no room for bad humor. Be not of an irr itable temper as regards that which happens at your side; grumble not over your own affairs. Be not of an irritable temper in regard to your neighbors; better is a compliment to that which displeases than rudeness. It is wrong to get into a passion with ones neighbors, to be no longer master of ones words. When there is only a little irritation, one creates for oneself an affliction for the time when one will again be cool. If you are wise, look after your house; love your wife without alloy. Fill her stomach, clothe her back; these are the cares to be bestowed on her person. Caress her, fulfil her desires during the time of her existence; it is a kindness which does honor to its possessor. Be not brutal; tact will influence her better than violence; her . . . behold to what she aspires, at what she aims, what she regards. It is that which fixes her in your house; if you repel her, it is an abyss. Open your arms for her, respond to her arms; call her, display to her your love. Treat your dependents well, in so far as it belongs to you to do so; and it belongs to those whom P tah has favored. If any one fails in treating his dependents well it is said: He is  a person . . . As we do not know the events which may happen tomorrow, he is a wise person by whom one is well treated. When there comes the necessity of showing zeal, it will then be the 5 dependents themselves who say: Come on, come on, if good treatment has not quitted the place; if it has quitted it, the dependents are defaulters. Do not repeat any extravagance of language; do not listen to it; it is a thing which has escaped from a hasty mouth. If it is repeated, look, without hearing it, toward the earth; say nothing in regard to it. Cause him who speaks to you to know what is just, even him who provokes to injustice; cause that which is just to be done, cause it to triumph. As for that which is hateful according to the law, condemn it by unveiling it. If you are a wise man, sitting in the council of your lord, direct your thought toward that which is wise. Be silent rather than scatter your words. When you speak, know that which can be brought against you. To speak in the council is an art, and speech is criticized more than any other labor; it is contradiction which puts it to the proof. If you are powerful, respect knowledge and calmness of language. Command only to direct; to be absolute is to run into evil. Let not your heart be haughty, neither let it be mean. Do not let your orders remain unsaid and cause your answers to penetrate; but speak without heat, assume a serious countenance. As for the vivacity of an ardent heart, temper it; the gentle man penetrates all obstacles. He who agitates himself all the day long has not a good moment; and he who amuses himself all the day long keeps not his fortune. Aim at fulness like pilots; once one is seated another works, and seeks to obey ones orders. Disturb not a great man; weaken not the attention of him who is occupied. His care is to embrace his task, and he strips his person through the love which he puts into it. That transports men to Ptah, even the love for the work which they accomplish. Compose then your face even in trouble, that peace may be with you, when agitation is with . . .These are the people who suc ceed in what they desire. Teach others to render homage to a great man. If you gather the crop for him among men, cause it to return fully to its owner, at whose hands is your subsistence. But the gift of affection is worth more than the provisions with which your back is covered. For that which the great man receives from you will enable your house to live, without speaking  of the maintenance you enjoy, which you desire to preserve; it is thereby that he extends a beneficent hand, and that in your home good things are added to good things. Let your love pass into the heart of those who love you; cause those about you to be loving and obedient. If you are a son of the guardians deputed to watch over the public tranquillity, execute your commission without knowing its meaning, and speak with firmness. Substitute not for that which the instructor has said what you believe to be his intention; the great use words as it suits them. Your part is to transmit rather than to comment upon. If you are annoyed at a thing, if you are tormented by someone who is a cting within his right, get out of his sight, and remember him no more when he has ceased to address you. 6 If you have become great after having been little, if you have become rich after having been poor, when you are at the head of the city, know how not to take advantage of the fact that you have reached the first rank, harden not your heart because of your elevation; you are become only the administrator, the prefect, of the provisions which belong to Ptah. Put not behind you the neighbor who is like you; be unto him as a companion. Bend your back before your superior. You are attached to the palace of the king; your house is established in its fortune, and your profits are as is fitting. Yet a man is annoyed at having an authority above himself, and passes the period of life in being vexed thereat. Although that hurts not your . . . Do not plunder the house of your neighbors, seize not by force the goods which are beside you. Exclaim not then against that which you hear, and do not feel humiliated. It is necessary to reflect when one is hindered by it that the pressure of authority i s felt also by ones neighbor. Do not make . . . you know that there are obstacles to the water which comes to its hinder part, and that there is no trickling of that which is in its bosom. Let it not . . . after having corrupted his heart. If you aim at polished manners, call not him whom you accost. Converse with him especially in such a way as not to annoy him. Enter on a discussion with him only after having left him time to saturate his mind with the subject of the conversation. If he lets his ignorance display itself, and if he gives you all opportunity to disgrace him, treat him with courtesy rather; proceed not to drive him into a corner; do not . . . the word to him; answer not in a  crushing manner; crush him not; worry him not; in order that in his turn he may not return to the subject, but depart to the profit of your conversation. Let your countenance be cheerful during the time of your existence. When we see one departing from the storehouse who has entered in order to bring his share of provision, with his face contracted, it shows that his stomach is empty and that authority is offensive to him. Let not that happen to you; it is . . . Know those who are faithful to you when you are in low estate. Your merit then is worth more than those who did you honor. His . . ., behold that which a man possesses completely. That is of more importance than his high rank; for this is a matter which passes from one to another. The merit of ones son is advantageous to the father, and that which he really is, is worth more than the remembrance of his fathers rank. Distinguish the superintendent who directs from the workman, for manual labor is little elevated; the inaction of the hands is honorable. If a man is not in the evil way, that which places him there is the want of subordination to authority. If you take a wife, do not . . . Let her be more contented than any of her fellow-citizens. She will be attached to you doubly, if her chain is pleasant. Do not repel her; grant that which pleases her; it is to her contentment that she appreciates your work. 7 If you hear those things which I have said to you, your wisdom will be fully advanced. Although they are the means which are suitable for arriving at the maat, and it is that which makes them precious, their memory would recede from the mouth of men. But thanks to the beauty of their arrangement in rhythm all their words will now be carried without alteration over this earth eternally. That will create a canvass to be embellished, whereof the great will speak, in order to instruct men in its sayings. After having listened to them the pupil will become a master, even he who shall have properly listened to the sayings because he shall have heard them. Let him win success by placing himself in the first rank; that is for him a position perfect and durable, and he has nothing further to desire forever. By knowledge his path is assured, and he is made happy by it on the earth. The wise man is satiated by knowledge; he is a great man through his own merits. His tongue is in accord with his mind; just are his lips when he speaks, his eyes when he gazes, his ears when he hears. The advantage of his son is to  do that which is just without deceiving himself. To attend therefore profits the son of him who has attended. To attend is the result of the fact that one has attended. A teachable auditor is formed, because I have attended. Good when he has attended, good when he speaks, he who has attended has profited, and it is profitable to attend to him who has attended. To attend is worth more than anything else, for it produces love, the good thing that is twice good. The son who accepts the instruction of his father will grow old on that account. What Ptah loves is that one should attend; if one attends not, it is abhorrent to Ptah. The heart makes itself its own master when it attends and when it does not attend; but if it attends, then his heart is a beneficent master to a man. In attending to instruction, a man loves what he attends to, and to do that which is prescribed is pleasant. When a son attends to his father, it is a twofold joy for both; when wise things are prescribed to him, the son is gentle toward his master. Attending to him who has attended when such things have been prescribed to him, he engraves upon his heart that which is approved by his father; and the recollection of it is preserved in th e mouth of the living who exist upon this earth. When a son receives the instruction of his father there is no error in all his plans. Train your son to be a teachable man whose wisdom is agreeable to the great. Let him direct his mouth according to that which has been said to him; in the docility of a son is discovered his wisdom. His conduct is perfect while error carries away the unteachable. Tomorrow knowledge will support him, while the ignorant will be destroyed. As for the man without experience who listens not, he effects nothing whatsoever. He sees knowledge in ignorance, profit in loss; he commits all kinds of error, always accordingly choosing the contrary of what is praiseworthy. He lives on that which is mortal, in this fashion. His food is evil words, whereat he is filled with astonishment. That which the great know to be mortal he lives upon every day, flying from that which would be profitable to him, because of the multitude of errors which present themselves before him every day. A son who attends is like a follower of Horus; he is happy after having attended. He becomes great, he arrives at dignity, he gives the same lesson to his children. Let none innovate upon the precepts of his father; let the same precepts form his lessons to his children. Verily, will his 8  children say to him, to a ccomplish what you say works marvels. Cause therefore that to flourish which is just, in order to nourish your children with it. If the teachers allow themselves to be led toward evil principles, verily the people who understand them not will speak accordingly, and that being said to those who are docile they will act accordingly. Then all the world considers them as masters and they inspire confidence in the public; but their glory endures not so long as would please them. Take not away then a word from the ancient teaching, and add not one; put not one thing in place of another; beware of uncovering the rebellious ideas which arise in you; but teach according to the words of the wise. Attend if you wish to dwell in the mouth of those who shall attend to your words, when you have entered upon the office of master, that your words may be upon our lips . . . and that there may be a chair from which to deliver your arguments. Let your thoughts be abundant, but let your mouth be under restraint, and you shall argue with the great. Put yourself in unison with the ways of your master; cause him to say: He is my son, so that those who shall hear it shall say Praise be to her who has borne him to him! Apply yourself while you speak; speak only of perfect things; and let the great who shall hear you say: Twice good is that which issues from his mouth! Do that which your master bids you. Twice good is the precept of his father, from whom he has issued, from his flesh. What he tells us, let it be fixed in our heart; to satisfy him greatly let us do for him more than he has prescribed. Verily a good son is one of the gifts of Ptah, a son who does even better than he has been told to do. For his master he does what is satisfactory, putting himself with all his heart on the part of right. So I shall bring it about that your body shall be healthful, that the Pharaoh shall be satisfied with you in all circumstances and that you shall obtain years of life without default. It has caused me on earth to obtain one hundred and ten years of life, along with the gift of the favor of the Pharoah among the first of those whom their works have ennobled, satisfying the Pharoah in a place of dignity. It is finished, from its beginning to its end, according to that which is found in writing. Source: From: Charles F. Horne, The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East (New York: Parke, Austin, Lipscomb, 1917), Vol. II: Egypt, pp. 62-78. Scanned by: J. S. Arkenberg, Dept. of History, Cal. State Fullerton This text is part of the Internet Ancient History Sourcebook. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts related to medieval and Byzantine history. 9 Unless otherwise indicated the specific electronic form of the document is copyright. Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational purposes and personal use. No representation is made about texts which are linked off-site, although in most cases these are also public domain. If you do reduplicate the document, indicate the source. No permission is granted for commercial use.  © Paul Halsall May 1998

Saturday, October 26, 2019

socialist feminist criticism :: essays research papers fc

Socialist Feminist Criticism: You Dropped the Bomb on Me, Baby   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Feminism and gender studies have been described as having the ability to â€Å"challenge literary and culture theory to confront the difficult task of assimilating the findings of an expanding sphere of inquiry† (Contemporary Literary Criticism 567). This area of study has taken center stage during the last fifty years, not only in our society, but also in literary criticism. Although the terrain Feminism traverses can hardly be narrowed down to one single definition, the exploration of the genre can, at times, be the most intriguing feature of the criticism itself. While feminism has undoubtedly changed the way women and gender roles are considered in society today, it has also had an impact on the way that I, too, read literature, look at American culture, and view the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Walter Ong suggests that â€Å"‘literature’ itself is the product of—or completely wound up and ‘imbricated’ in—the social contexts out of which it grows† (CLC 461). The social contexts that exist in our society have not only affected our societal systems themselves, but also have changed the way we view our class systems, gender roles, and sexual choices. Viewing society from a Marxist perspective can also help us decipher the unspoken rules that govern us. â€Å"Not only do Marxist critics want criticism to be constantly aware of history—both present and past history—in reading and literature, they also demand that the criticism become more overtly political or†¦ ‘politically informed,’ so that it attempts, as Marx said, not simply to interpret but to change the world† (CLC 462). This intent is similar to that of the feminist genre in that both camps are seeking to change the w ay we understand the world and to eventually change the world itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Feminism and Marxism are further intertwined if you consider the female sex as a social class of its own. In my analysis of Walt Whitman’s poem, I Hear America Singing, I commented that â€Å"by studying cultures and societies from the Marxist vantage point we are better equipped to understand the affects of social classes on our lives. The theories of Marxism provide the thinking worker with an understanding which is capable of leading him through the many events and complex processes of society, economics, the struggle of classes, and politics.† But, by utilizing these techniques in combination with those of the Feminist perspective, we are equipped with an even greater microscope under which to examine the social contexts that surround and inevitably influence us.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Symbolism in the Red Convertible

October 1st, 2012 Symbolism in the Red Convertible In writing, authors use symbolism to relay a deeper meaning to what they actually write. This technique captures important elements and gives the reader an idea of the theme of the story without the author directly telling them. Louise Erdrich uses symbolism to help emphasize and reveal the themes and message of her stories. â€Å"The Red Convertible,† by Erdrich, is a story about brotherly love as the highest value between two brothers, Lyman and Henry, and also about the difficulties veterans of war and their families face at post-war times.Symbolism plays a big part in this story, revealing the hardships Henry brings home from the battlefields of Vietnam, and to show Lyman's difficulties with handling separation and distance from his brother. The story is told from Lyman Lamartine’s point of view as he recounts the relationship he had with his older brother, Henry. He says how they both bought a red Oldsmobile conver tible on impulse and traveled the country with it. He recalled it as a very happy and carefree time between the brothers. Then Henry went off to fight in the Vietnam War and when he returned he was a very changed man.He was depressed and lost interest in everything, including the car and his brother. When Lyman realizes the relationship between him and his brother will never be the same, he takes a hammer and beats the car up so it is in horrible condition. Henry sees the broken car and fixes it up. Once finished, the boys drive the car to a lake and  Henry tries to give Lyman complete ownership of the car but Lyman constantly refuses. The brothers enjoy a tiny moment of laughter and hopefulness and after spending a couple good minutes together, Henry tells Lyman that he needs to cool off, and he jumps into the river.Apathetically, Henry says that his boots have filled with water and he goes under in the current. Lyman tries to save his brother but can’t. Then he turns the car on and sends it into the river, watching it sink to its demise just like Henry. The red convertible could be seen as a symbol of attachment. The two brothers by the car on impulse, using all the money they had with them, and soon it becomes their source of fun, adventure, and relaxation. This car creates a strong bond between them. Both brothers owned the car and left a part of them attached to the car.Henry then goes off to war, and hands his keys to Lyman, but the car is abandoned just like the brothers relationship. The war has broken the attachment between the brothers. From this point, the boys try to give full ownership of the car to the other brother, realizing that neither of the brothers can own the entire red convertible for himself, because they both have part of themselves sentimentally attached to it. When Henry drowns, Lyman is compelled to drive the car in the river, destroying the part of the car that was Henrys.Without Henry, half of the car is symbolically miss ing and Lyman knows he cannot ever drive the car again because car was only driven when the boys were attached. The Oldsmobile could also be seen as a symbol of brotherhood and the war-torn relationships of soldiers when they return home. When they bought the car, they did not need to discuss it because they understood each other without saying a word. They travel together, and this represents a normal, healthy brotherly relationship. When Henry returned a changed man, he was not interested in anything, including Lyman and the car.Lyman understood and caught on that his brother did not care for life anymore because the car was life to him before the war and now Henry doesn’t care for it. When Lyman destroys the car in an attempt to get Henry interested, it is his gesture of brotherly love and also a demonstration of the separation between them. The car portrays the destroyed relationship between Henry and Lyman. And in response, Henry repairs the car, putting the last of his soul into the car. He remembers the condition the car and himself was in before the war and is concerned. Eventually Henry realizes he could not fix himself.This reflects the concerns that many soldiers had coming home regarding the futures of their relationships and how they feared it would just be another casualty of the war, which many were, including Henry and Lyman’s. He uses the fixed convertible to save his love for his brother. Later when Henry tells Lyman to take care of the car, both brothers understood that Henry was preparing for death. He could not leave the world with the car and his relationship with his brother broken, and fixes the car as his last shot to save both. When the car was finished and He and Lyman went on one more trip, he was ready to die.Lyman saw the car more as an instrument to try and return his brother to the way he used to be before the war. But once Henry drowns and dies, the car is useless to him. There is symbolism in the short story that reflects Native American culture in the modern world. Lyman and Henry go on trips for months, travelling the country. These trips could represent the nomadic lifestyle of early Native Americans. At the end of the story, before Henry drowns himself, he and Lyman share a moment of fun and laughter. Henry does a wild and crazy dance, and this could be reflected as a ritual or traditional dance of Native Americans.The color red is a big symbol in the story. The convertible is red and was specifically put in the title and story by Louise Erdrich. Red has a positive and negative meaning. Positively, red means strength and love. This reflects Henry and Lyman because their brotherhood bond was strong and powerful, and they loved each other. Red could also mean aggression and war. This obviously reflects the war that damaged the relationship between the brothers and ruined Henry, and also the anger the brothers had that the relationship and their lives were not the same and would never be t he same again.The color red shows up more in the story, like in the beginning when the two travels to the Blood Reservation and meet a girl named Susy. Blood is obviously red, and Susy represents a part of their lives that was happy and carefree, and would never be the same. She impacted the boy’s lives and the free-spirit they once had. The color red appears once more on the boy’s very last trip when they head east to Red Rock. This is where Henry accepts death and that his life will never be the same again and commits suicide. In literature,  symbolism  is used to give meaning to the writing beyond what is actually written on the page.The plot and actions that take place can be thought of as one level, while the symbolism is on another, deeper level to enhance the story. In her short story, â€Å"The Red Convertible,† Louise Erdrich uses symbolism to help the reader see the message and theme of the story. She takes the color red, the convertible, and other moments in the story and has hidden symbols and meanings in them that emphasize the theme of strong brotherhood between Lyman and Henry and the negative aftermath that war has on its soldiers relationships back home.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

African American History: A Close Up on Baptist Churches Essay

As you enter through the door on the first level of this San Francisco-based Baptist-rooted church, you become overwhelmed by the warm hug and kiss of Sister â€Å"What’s-her-name?† as she bold and kindly greets you, â€Å"Good morning! God bless you!† Walking up the stairs heading into the Worship Center, Brother and Sister â€Å"So and so† affectionately embrace you, just as an aunt or uncle would at a family function. In an instant, you are drawn in by the harmonious singing of the choir over the upbeat sounds of musicians playing the drums, keyboard, guitars, organ and tambourines. As you look around, you may not recognize everybody, but you sense a powerful family-like bondage. Although the love of Christ is all-inclusive to any and everyone, this non-exclusive church is predominantly African American in population. There is a noticeably implied bond which seems to be more genuine, the more melanin you contain. This tremendously impacts individuals within the congregational community. Why is it that the most segregated hour in America continues to be 11:00am Sunday morning? Research directs us towards clues on how church origins and U.S. history has and still is heavily influencing African Americans in the Modern Church of today. In James P. Eckman’s Exploring Church History he writes about the foundation of the church starting with the Apostolic Age, which began around 30 B.C. and immediately followed the death of Jesus Christ in the first century, through the modern church of the 21st century. Reviewing the timeline from the Apostolic Age (1st century) to the Church Fathers (95-300s), onto Ancient Church and Theology (4th century), following the Medieval Church (400-1500s), through the Reformation period and Catholic Church (16th century), to the Scientific Revolution (1600-1700s) onto the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, we discover that many events influenced the building and forming of the â€Å"black church† in America. Tracing these events we can see a thread of the Christian Church trailing through European countries for several hundreds of years. In the latter of events above, we learn that Europeans began enslaving Africans and started to migrate over to a land that we now know as America. During the  developmental period of the first African American Churches in the 1700-1800s slavery was very prevalent in the United States. Henry H. Mitchell, author of Black Church Beginnings, predisposes how though enslaved Africans had their own religious traditions and practices, there were some overlooked factors that contributed to their fascination in Christianity which soon took route in the African American Society. He goes on to state that the typical West African town was a community of faith. The tribesmen generally assumed that if they lost a war to another tribe or nation, the god of the triumphant party ought to be included in their beliefs since the conquerors’ god was strong enough to grant them victory (Mitchell, page 33). He discusses how they found commonality between their expressive African culture and the unheard of, free expressiveness for whites in their churches. The Africans became more and more interested as they began interpreting the Bible for themselves and found parallels in traditional African religion. They were able to relate to the Old Testament stories [like the enslavement of Hebrews by the Egyptians] and saw hope in Moses and Jesus as mighty deliverers. The above mentioned were significant factors which ultimately led to African slaves placing their hope in â€Å"the white man’s† God and Bible: The Black church in America had its origins in the slave religion of the American South. Deprived of their identity, oppressed by their masters, and unable to establish their own institutions, many slaves turned to Christianity. Faith in Jesus Christ gave them hope for the future when His justice would right the wrongs done to them. (Eckman, page 98) Near the dawning of the formation of the original black churches in the 18th century, some slave masters allowed [or even required] slaves to attend church services with them. Others allowed monitored the worship services, however, they were plagued with fears of possible rebellion. Mitchell describes contrasts between liberal and oppressive slave masters. Some oppressive masters withheld knowledge of Christianity from slaves and beat or even killed those who began to worship God devotedly (Mitchell, page 33). Many, if not all, plantations held stealthy worship services in the woods, swamps or brushes. L. Maffly-Kipp describes, in her article â€Å"African American Religion in the Beginning†, how the slaves used symbolism that was not detectible by their captors. It’s as though Africans began to develop a secret society and reactively initiated exclusive churches. The underground services of worship were labeled as the â€Å"Invisible Institution† since they were invisibly held to the eyes of slave masters. Here the slaves began mixing the Christian faith with African rhythms and singing, which led to the formation of the Negro spirituals (Maffly-Kipp). Most spirituals contained two-folded meanings of worship and freedom. [From time to time, (especially in February or around January 15th) we’ll hear some of these old Negro spirituals in today’s predominantly black churches.] Maffly-Kipp infers as the Africans made their appeals of justice unto God, they were also organizing and planning escapes. According to Melva Wilson Costen, author of African American Christian Worship, the first African American church of record, founded in 1758 in Luneberg, VA, was called Bluestone African Baptist Church —owned mostly by slaves. The number of African American churches grew throughout the U.S. between the years of 1750-1800 (over 20 churches of record). Bluestone and subsequent black founded congregations contained partial white populations where they were outnumbered by blacks however Euro-American preachers, as controlling moderators, oversaw these churches. African Americans were not encouraged to lead the congregations (though many were considerably powerful preachers and potential leaders) nor were they allowed any voting privileges. The African American Church continued to evolve in the South and dominant denominations of Baptist and Methodist expanded nationally from 1841-1865. Leadership began to change as did laws towards the end of the 19th century, post the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, 1865 Abolition of Slavery (13th Amendment), 1868 Civil Rights (14th Amendment) and 1870 Voting Rights (15th Amendment). The early Black Church played a significant role in social activism by oratorical pressing towards the abolitionist movement, assisting  in the Underground Railroad, ministration in civic and social responsibility, and through slave insurrections. As Mitchell put it, â€Å"in the root culture of African Americans, nothing is excludable from the design and will of God† (page 138). [This is noteworthy; we’re able to see a continuum of legislative struggle against Africans throughout American history, in a way which the church is affected and involved.] In 1894, a pride-filled, yet rare, exception for African Americans occurred when the pastor of the first African Baptist Church was elected Moderator and Preacher of the Philadelphia Baptist Association. While racial discrimination took many blows, one civil case in Louisiana devastated the progression towards its elimination. In 1896 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to enact the separate-but-equal principles in the famous Plessy v Ferguson case, disregarding equality while planting proliferate seeds of segregation throughout the nation (Records of Supreme Court). This ruling gravelly punctured the church as it promoted separation between Christians, which was contrary to the â€Å"Love thy neighbor as thyself† Christian teachings. As history reveals, for more than 50 years our national society was structured in such way to where the non-association between European Americans and minority races was the norm. After several years of social discomfort, the church began to take a stand against this legal inequality. In Rhetoric, Religion and the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965 by Davis Houck and David Dixon a passion-filled recording of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking at a conference in Nashville, TN on April 25, 1957 is referenced (pages 217-224). We find Dr. King proclaiming his strong conviction of faith and declaring his hope in God for deliverance while attacking the moral issues of the Supreme Court’s decision made in the 1896 case. The revolutionary reverend, who led the Civil Rights Movement, charged the Christian Church with the responsibility of standing up against segregation and discrimination (Houck & Dixon, page 220), speaking to all Christians urging them to keep in mind that they answer to God and not the opinions of men. {In all my research, it was here that I saw the shift of focus from African American Christian Heritage to just Christian Heritage.} How difficult would it be for the masses to grasp this concept after hundreds of years of contradictory conditioning? We now live in an era postdating the Civil Rights Movement by more than 40 years; in a time where we [as a nation] elected our first African American president. In the most diverse area of the country (San Francisco), while we are starting to see more racially integrated churches in the Bay Area, 11:00am Sunday morning [for some reason] continues to be the most segregated hour across the U.S. Clearly these historical events continue to affect today’s African Americans within church communities and all people within congregational communities. What else can be concluded from this research? Old habits die hard. . Works Cited Ammerman, Nancy Tatom. Congregation & Community. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1997. Print Costen, Melva Wilson. African American Christian Worship. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993. Print. Eckman, James P. Exploring Church History. Wheaton: Crossway Books a division of Good News Publishers, 1996. Print. Houck, Davis W.; Dixon, David E. Rhetoric, Religion and the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2006. CityCat.Web. March 3, 2010. Maffly-Kipp, L.. â€Å"African American Religion In the Beginning. † Mississippi Link 4 Feb. 2010,Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW). ProQuest. Web. 3 Mar. 2010. Mitchell, Henry H. Black Chruch Beginnings: The Long-Hidden Realities of the First Years. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publising Company, 2004. Print. Records of the Supreme Court of the United States. â€Å"Plessy v Ferguson†, May 18, 1896, Web. March 3, 2010

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Italian Renaissance essays

Northern/Italian Renaissance essays Northern Vs. Italian Renaissance Art The characteristics of art that seem the most prevalent during the Renaissance are Classical Revival (going back to Greek and Roman times for subject matter and inspiration), Humanism (the idea that humans are focus), Window of Nature (the idea of including nature in the pieces), Syncretism (including Greek and Roman mythology and/or characteristics in Renaissance art), Cult of Beauty (Plato's notion of ideal beauty and love), Empiricism (making the work look as real as possible), Individualism (individuals are important, and become a focus of art), and Idealism (humans and religious figures are painted in their most ideal form). Raphael's fresco The School of Athens and Brueghel's oil painting The Wedding Dance. Although both pieces contain the characterizing elements of Renaissance art, they are different in many Raphael's fresco stands 26 feet by 18 feet and is a model of Italian Renaissance art, containing obvious examples of each of the components of Renaissance art. The School of Athens is a prime model of the Classic Revival. The school portrayed is a school of philosophy in ancient Athens. The people are wearing Greek loose fitting robes for their garments. The architecture of the building is primarily Greek with the columns and arches representing those of the times of Aristotle and Plato, whom are also represented. Humanism and Individualism can be seen in the fresco because humans are the subjects of the painting. Individual people are the focus of the piece, and each has been given their own personality and identity. Raphael has done a phenomenal job depicting each person's facial expression and body movement. The Window of Nature is evident (although not as prevalent as in other works of this time period) in the background of the work in the clouds painted over the heads of Aristotle and Plato. Raphael h...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Affects on New Englands and the Chesapeakes Culture essays

Affects on New England's and the Chesapeakes Culture essays New England and the Chesapeakes citizens may have the same English origin, but they each have very distinct, tightly knit societies. Every region has their own separate way of running their colony that causes differences in development to occur. So no matter where their origin, their new home decides their religion, government, and culture. Religion was an important factor in New England and they took it very seriously. When people like John Calvin and Anne Hutchinson came along bringing their beliefs of predestination with them, it usually led to banishment. New England wanted to lay down their laws so they formed the Church of England in 1530. Some of the regulations associated with the Church upset some puritans and they tried to break away. The people of New England were such firm believers in their religion, sometimes leading to extremes of obsessive fear, which resulted in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. Religion was somewhat intertwined with the government in New England. At least one intelligent, religious person was trying to make the rules better. For example, John Winthrop. He came to the realization that in order to be united and respected, they must be considered higher. This concept was referred to as the city upon a hill (Document A). Another attempt to create a better society happened in 1639 when the first constitution in American history was drafted. It was controlled by substantial citizens and based on the consent of the people. Many other laws and standards were created during this time, trying to start effective colonizations based on Godly faith and morals (Document D). The one thing that made New Englands government strong was their ability to try. Religion and government did take up most of New Englands time but culture was a big part of their life also. They had such an eager focus on the subject of education that their first college, Harvard, was foun...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Statistical Measures of Unemployment

Statistical Measures of Unemployment Most data regarding unemployment in the United States is collected and reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS divides unemployment into six categories (known as U1 through U6), but these categories dont line up directly with the way that economists categorize unemployment. U1 through U6 are defined as follows: U1 Percentage of labor force unemployed 15 weeks or longerU2 Percentage of labor force who lost jobs or completed temporary workU3 Percentage of labor force who are without jobs and have looked for work in the last four weeks (note that this is the officially reported unemployment rate)U4 U3 plus the percent of the labor force that counts as discouraged workers, i.e. people who would like to work but have stopped looking because they are convinced that they cant find jobsU5 U4 plus the percent of the labor force that count as marginally attached or loosely attached workers, i.e. people who would theoretically like to work but havent looked for work within the past four weeksU6 U5 plus the percent of the labor force that counts as underemployed, i.e. part-time workers who would like to work more but cant find full-time jobs Technically speaking, the statistics for U4 through U6 are calculated by adding discouraged workers and marginally attached workers into the labor force as appropriate. (Underemployed workers are always counted in the labor force.) In addition, the BLS defines discouraged workers as a subset of marginally attached workers but is careful not to double count them in the statistics. You can see the definitions directly from the BLS. While U3 is the main officially reported figure, looking at all of the measures together can provide a broader and more nuanced view of what is happening in the labor market.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Pagan Influence in the Culture of Ukraine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Pagan Influence in the Culture of Ukraine - Essay Example   Although this construct may come as something of a shock to many, the different methods whereby Ukraine and the influences that have acted upon as compared to the United States ultimately make for a very distinct culture (Schulman 1998). The first determinant of this is the level to which paganism plays into the fabric of society. True, the nation itself has been â€Å"Christian† since the time of Prince Vladimir the Great (circa 988 AD), the long history of the people and the subsequent invasions from the East, including Mongols, Tatars, Khazars, and a litany of other peoples from the steppes of Central Asia meant that a great deal of diverse pagan beliefs were interjected into the culture of the nation as a function of the various tribes and kingdoms that spent time ruling over Ukraine (Holmes 2007). This level of paganism is exhibited in a litany of different ways within the culture; one of these being the celebration of the holiday â€Å"Ivana Kupala† which celebrates the life force of the rivers, lakes, and streams and continues to be celebrated throughout Ukraine and many other Eastern European countries (Culture and Arts 2009). Similar winter solstice activities have also engrained themselves into the culture as dances around the base of fir trees, harvest celebrations, days for the dead, and a litany of other pagan holidays and references pervade the culture in ways that would not necessarily be the case in the United States. There are of course a number of superstitions that continue to pervade the culture as well. An example of this includes the belief that whistling indoors means that the individual will soon have no money.  Ã‚  

High mortality rate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

High mortality rate - Essay Example It`s between Democratic Republic of the Congo who is 2,511 km to the east and Namibia who is also 1,376 km to the south. Zambia is also 1,110 km away to the east of Angola (James, 2004). Population Angola population has grown for the past fifty years with a total population of 20.6 million people recorded by the year 2012. It hit an all time high of 20.60 Million by the 2012 which was a record low of 5.01 Million people in December of 1960. The population of this African country represents 0.28 percent of world?s total population. This may statistically imply that at least a person in every 355 people in the world is an Angolan. Angola experiences a population growth rate of 2.7 percent as revealed in 2012. It`s worth noting that Angola has numerous indigenous ethnic groups. However, there exist only three prominent ethnic groups who make up majority of the Angola population. The highest ethnic group is Ovimbundu tribe who make up 37 percent of the Angola population. Second in the ra nk is the Mbundu tribe who has also been existence for quite a long time. They represent about 22 percent of the population. Finally, the third largest ethnic group in Angola is the Bakongo. This group makes up to 13 percent to 15 percent of the country`s total population (James, 2004). Government The Republic of Angola administers the multiparty presidential regime type of government. There are a total of eighteen provinces in Angola which form part of administrative divisions in the country. Angola has never had any judicial review of the legislation. Their civil legal system is still based on the Portuguese civil law. The government is divided into three arms: 1. The executive arm. The president and his vice head the executive arm of government. The president is both the head of state and government. The country has ministries that are run by cabinet councils. The council of ministers is appointed by the president himself. The national assembly indirectly elects the president for a five year term but the president is still eligible for another consecutive term or discontinuous term. The 2010 constitution stipulates that votes are cast for parties not individuals but the leader of the party which will have more votes becomes the president. 2. Legislative arm. There is a unicameral National Assembly with 220 seats. Members are elected by a proportional vote to be in office for five year term. Elections are held every five years in Angola. 3. Judicial arm. There is a supreme court with Supreme Court judges but headed by the chief justice. This court has 11 judges who serve a seven term and are appointed by the president upon the Supreme Court judicial council recommendation. Out of this judges, the president and national assembly elect four judges each with two elected by the supreme national council and one judge elected by submission of curricula (James, 2004). Economy The economic growth rate in Angola in recent years was occasioned by high international pr ices for oil. Currently Angola is producing more than 1.5 million barrels a day for international market. Production of oil together with its supporting activities forms about 86% of gross domestic product, GDP, besides diamond exports which forms an additional 4%. Most of the people here depend on

Friday, October 18, 2019

JCPenney Research and Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

JCPenney Research and Analysis - Assignment Example are operating under this Company (J.CPenny)Mostly its stores are located in big shopping malls and some in power stores. Due to this strategy J.C Penny became very popular shopping Company among the people. J.C Penney is also trying to contribute in opening the stores like standalone stores, to follow the consumer desires, keeping in mind what its competitors are providing to the public. The success of J.C. Penney grew over time because of its strong logo name, advertisement; pricing strategy which grabbed the public’s attention towards it. J.C. Penney suddenly fell down and faced the serious issues regarding its income. Due to swift drop in income, J.C. Penney pulled itself back into its earlier form and also brought the changes in its stores. Issue faced by J.C. Penney was the lack of communication with its consumers. The consumers didn’t have the clarity about the schemes and the down quality of the products, and left confused.It was effective to the middle class people earlier, all this new ideas, good deals& information on products, reasonable pricing. But J.C. Penney failed to fulfill its strategy of ‘everyday low price ‘approach in comparison to ‘Wal-Mart’, which turned in the interest of customer’s disappointments. J.C. Penney has put its whole effort to satisfy its customers against ‘Wal-Mart’ pricing strategy, but it couldn’t keep it up (Its Over For J.C. Penney). When Ron Johnson became the new CEO of J.C. Penney he faced a number of problems regardi ng J.C. Penney. During the recession period 2009 to 2011, J.C. Penney’s net income fell from 18billion dollars to 17billion dollars, and sales went to 150 dollars per square foot. Among the department stores criteria this figure of sales lies at the rank of lower third. Suddenly this Company lost its identity. J.C. Penney’s target was the middle class families, who can’t

Need of a Salesperson to Push Products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Need of a Salesperson to Push Products - Essay Example To attain this strategic objective, the sales team has to use a collection of promotional techniques such as publicity, advertising, and creation of sales channels that are new to both the existing and new market ventures. It is usually the duty of the salespeople to determine the needs of the customer and use his experience and professional ability to feel what the customer needs. Good salespeople are those that think beyond the monetary aspect of the deal and take the issue to personal levels. His objectives are supposed to be motivated by both success and failure because, according to Breakenridge (2012), salespeople only make 20% of all their effort in a common market. The situation may be tougher in a new market and simpler in a market dominated by the advertised products. Salespeople are also expected to have the capability of learning the connectedness needs, development needs, problem-solving abilities in which case these will enhance consumer ability to access and use the go ods effectively. Consumer loyalty comes from customer satisfaction. Continued purchase relies on delivering well-being. Salespeople, therefore, ought to have the relevant knowledge or an orientation based on the hands-on experience and practice. Poon and Fatt (2000) contend that salespeople with a learning orientation based on practice and experience perform better. Increased sales are based on this experience and ability to perform better in the marketplace. Therefore, the knowledge and experience give the consumer in-depth explanation of the goods available for sale. The relationships between business and the customers are built by the salespeople in the market. Through relations, salespeople have the ability to secure contracts for the companies that they work for. Salespeople also help customers to think differently about companies and the companies’ products.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Seven Characters for Seven Sins of the Modern Society Movie Review

Seven Characters for Seven Sins of the Modern Society - Movie Review Example This paper declares that the film starts with gluttony and the first victim is an obese man, who was forced by John Doe to feed himself to death. It is striking that sins and types of punishment are closely related as it is exemplified in the death of the obese man. Andrew James Johnston notes that â€Å"the murders adhere to Dantean principle of contrapasso, according to which a punishment must resemble the sin for which it is inflicted†. Although the plot alludes to Dante and Chaucer as the sources of the concept of seven deadly sins in a medieval fashion, somehow, it is still rooted in American way. Indeed, obesity is a morbid health problem threatening millions of Americans including children and adolescents. This essay stresses that Fincher’s everyman â€Å"John Doe† pushes the gluttony to its utmost limits to show the dark side of insatiable hunger, which affects millions of people. By using the obese men as a character, Fincher portrays the insatiable and unrestricted hunger of the modern consumer society. The second victim, a rich lawyer called Eli Gould, also suffers from excessive love; he represents people’s greed and obsession with money in contemporary capitalist societies. The office of murdered lawyer reflects the atmosphere of cold, calculating rationality of business world, with its modernist decoration e.g. abstract paintings, Marcel Breuer Chairs, Le Courbusier Settees. Eli Gould is characterized as a very ambitious attorney who had helped a pedophile to escape conviction for the rape. John Doe punishes the sin of Gould by making him bleed to death. Besides greed, Gould also represents decaying justice system of the society, which allows child rapists t o become free. Although Victor escapes the justice system with the help of Gould, he becomes the â€Å"Sloth† victim of John Doe. As Hill and Smith notes â€Å"sloth is derived from Latin acadia meaning ‘without care’† and it also denotes apathy and lack of feeling (14). John Doe punishes Victor’s apathy by tying him to a bed. His literal immobility, or what Summerset calls as his â€Å"forced contrition†, represents the idleness of a â€Å"sloth†. Furthermore, Victor, embodies uncaring, â€Å"minding your own business† attitude of everyman which Doe protests at the end of the movie while he

Program Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Program Proposal - Essay Example hes to Syndrome X factors ,as were available on standalone basis, some 15 years back; Record the present evolution of the holistic approach; List out nutraceuticals that have been accepted.; Trace developments in other nutraceuticals.;Correlate syndrome X states with nutraceutical remedies both as leading medicine as well as support medication within the holistic approach; Have a clear view on advantages of various approaches-say allopathy;Similarly have a clear view of disadvantages of various approaches; Map out management strategies with predefined degrees of severity; Train the participants in the art of modulating and fine tuning such strategies depending upon the case at hand; Review clinical stages of obtaining therapeutically approval for nutraceuticals,and study evolution of law in therapeutic approval. Syndrome X is a disease state which has been identified, not very long ago, along with the constellation of diseases it encompasses. The concept is an evolving one and is an all important concept. Its importance is enhanced by the fact that a large population suffers from Syndrome X symptoms and has the fear of escalating into more disease state if one particular disease state is ignored or not adequately addressed. Thus, an enhanced understanding of the holistic conceptualization of syndrome X would bring about a much better approach to treatment approaches. A conventional approach is to treat only one of the disease states within the constellation of the disease states identified under syndrome X and focus either lifestyle based or allopathy based treatment on this particular approach. This makes the healthcare system ignore several other symptoms which might be aggravating elsewhere. As and when these symptoms grow noticeable these are again taken up with either of the above appr oaches for treatment. It is widely acknowledged that the usual approach is to focus on allopathic drugs with lifestyle contributions coming only in the form of supplementary

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Seven Characters for Seven Sins of the Modern Society Movie Review

Seven Characters for Seven Sins of the Modern Society - Movie Review Example This paper declares that the film starts with gluttony and the first victim is an obese man, who was forced by John Doe to feed himself to death. It is striking that sins and types of punishment are closely related as it is exemplified in the death of the obese man. Andrew James Johnston notes that â€Å"the murders adhere to Dantean principle of contrapasso, according to which a punishment must resemble the sin for which it is inflicted†. Although the plot alludes to Dante and Chaucer as the sources of the concept of seven deadly sins in a medieval fashion, somehow, it is still rooted in American way. Indeed, obesity is a morbid health problem threatening millions of Americans including children and adolescents. This essay stresses that Fincher’s everyman â€Å"John Doe† pushes the gluttony to its utmost limits to show the dark side of insatiable hunger, which affects millions of people. By using the obese men as a character, Fincher portrays the insatiable and unrestricted hunger of the modern consumer society. The second victim, a rich lawyer called Eli Gould, also suffers from excessive love; he represents people’s greed and obsession with money in contemporary capitalist societies. The office of murdered lawyer reflects the atmosphere of cold, calculating rationality of business world, with its modernist decoration e.g. abstract paintings, Marcel Breuer Chairs, Le Courbusier Settees. Eli Gould is characterized as a very ambitious attorney who had helped a pedophile to escape conviction for the rape. John Doe punishes the sin of Gould by making him bleed to death. Besides greed, Gould also represents decaying justice system of the society, which allows child rapists t o become free. Although Victor escapes the justice system with the help of Gould, he becomes the â€Å"Sloth† victim of John Doe. As Hill and Smith notes â€Å"sloth is derived from Latin acadia meaning ‘without care’† and it also denotes apathy and lack of feeling (14). John Doe punishes Victor’s apathy by tying him to a bed. His literal immobility, or what Summerset calls as his â€Å"forced contrition†, represents the idleness of a â€Å"sloth†. Furthermore, Victor, embodies uncaring, â€Å"minding your own business† attitude of everyman which Doe protests at the end of the movie while he

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Movie comment Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Comment - Movie Review Example There seems to be a break in connection with the past. This can be a good thing, however, because it forces the next generation to carve out a new way for themselves, and escape from the weight of history that has been handed down to them. One of the most interesting aspects of the film is that Pilar, who has a white father and Mexican mother, is a teacher whose job is to reinterpret the history for all of the different groups, even though the parents of the schoolchildren resist her open minded approach to the past. Cinema has a great power to play with time: â€Å"Sayles visually reinforces the weight of history and the past in Frontera with seamless chronological transitions smoothly effected by means of panning or other camera movement during uninterrupted takes.† (West and West, 1996, p.1) The flashbacks help to put history into context. Question 2. The town of Frontera, whose name literally means frontier or border, is at the meeting point of North America and South Amer ica, and it is also where the different mentalities of these two worlds meet.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Differences of North and South Korea Essay Example for Free

Differences of North and South Korea Essay South Korea is located on the southern part of Korea and boarders and is bordered by Eastern Asia, the southern half of the Korean Peninsula which borders the Sea of Japan, and the Yellow Sea. South Korea has a boring climate in my opinion. It is temperate, and during the summer months there is heavier rainfall than the rest of the year. The terrain in South Korea is much like that of North Korea. It is mostly hills and has mountains. There are wide coastal plains in the west in the south. These areas have many great harbors for fishing. The only natural disaster South Korea is really prone to are typhoons. The population in South Korea is larger than that in North Korea. There are 48,289,037 people which are mostly located along the coast. Sixty-nine percent of the people work in the services department, twenty-one and a half percent work in industry fields, and nine and half percent work in agriculture. There is a close race in South Korea for the number one religion between Christianity and Buddhist. other religions are Confucianism, Shamanism, and Chindogyo. Most people in South Korea speak Korean but more frequently are learning English. The capital on South Korea is Seoul, and South Korea is a Republic. One of the main reasons it is Republic is due to the US involvement in World War II. The president of South Korea is NO Muh-hyun who was elected in 2003. South Korea gained its independence from Japan in 1945 on August 15th. South Koreas biggest traitor is once again America. Popular exports in South Korea are things such as electronic devices, machinery and equipment, cars, steel, ships, clothing, footwear, and fish. In the agricultural department rice, root crops, barley, vegetables, fruit; cattle, pigs, chickens, milk, eggs; fish are the most popular. The currency in South Korea is known as the South Korean won also known as the KRW. One thousand, four hundred and one KRW is equivalent to one American dollar. The GDP in South Korea is nine hundred and thirty one billion dollars for a purchasing party power. Over the past few years, South Korea has gained much power economically. The GDP of South Korea is thirty times that of North Korea. Over the past years economic growth has been impressive. South Korea had come back from a crisis known as the Asian financial crisis of 1997-99. Here debt and legitimacy rations were causes and an effect was South Korea being forced to borrow food and having a very weak economic background. In conclusion it is clear that North Korea and South Korea in some ways are the same but in others are completely different. In my opinion and I am sure in the opinion of many others, South Korea is more successful.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysis of Unforeseen Results of Technological Advance Essay -- Techn

Throughout history technology and technological advances have shaped our lives, our culture and our world. Everyday new technologies are being created that change our world, both for the better and for the worse, both expected and unexpected. Since there have been technological advances, there have been unexpected consequences of those advances. Advances like the stirrup, the industrial revolution, mass production, the clock, advances in medicine and domestic technology have all had unanticipated consequences which have had profound effects on our society, and our planet. Around the Dark Ages the stirrup came to Europe. It was brought by nomadic Asian tribes as they travelled west. First accepted by the Frankish tribes, it allowed for the first use of effective heavy cavalry. Before this it was too difficult to balance on horse back with heavy armour, so cavalry was limited to mainly reconnaissance and scouting. Heavy cavalry quickly became a powerful weapon for medevil kings, and this eventually brought about the invention of knights. Knights were used as shock tactics, they would charge enemy lines and send them into disarray. This tactic became extremely effective. With the invention of knights came the Feudal System. The Feudal System was basis of Medevil European society. Kings would award land to people in return for the service of a knight for a certain amount of time each year. This way the king would have access to knights and people would be able to acquire land in return for them. Although the stirrup was originally just used for better su pport while on horse back, it unexpectedly brought about the invention of the greatest weapon in Medevil Europe and with them, the basis for European society at that time. During t... ...the advances did was make the work less physically demanding, that meant that women did not need the help of men and children to do the work, all the advances did was make housework more efficient, but just as time consuming as before. Women still hard the bulk of the household workload and were for the most part not free to pursue careers. In conclusion, it is evident that throughout history technological advances have produced unexpected consequences for the world. Examples like the stirrup, the industrial revolution, mass production, the mechanical clock, medical science and the birthing process, and domestic technology have shown that there are serious social, economic, and cultural consequences that may arise. It also shows that we can expect more unanticipated consequences as we continue to make more and more technological advances in all aspects of science

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Arguments advanced by those rooting for stricter gun control laws of cite the increased incidences of mortality and injury that is associated with guns. There is a general consensus that violence propagated using guns has a serious effect on public health and the economy. In the US, approximately 32,300 people die and about 69,000 injuries occur on yearly basis as a direct consequence of guns. This hurts the US economy by an estimated 100 billion dollars. The society is deeply divided on whether more gun control policies would b better placed to prevent the rampant loss of lives, and unnecessary injuries. According to experts, the rate of gun violence in the United States is much higher compared to other rich nations. An analysis conducted in 2005 showed that the lower life expectancy exhibited by the United States in comparison to other wealth countries, can directly be attributed to gun violence. The debate to control guns has received strong criticism from people who question the relationship between guns and violence, and if gun control would effectively put an end to gun violen...

Friday, October 11, 2019

BP Solar

BP has responded through its thin film photovoltaic cells designed to reduce manufacturing costs towards a level at which solar energy will become economically competitive compared with other energy sources. As BP's Energy Commission chairman stated: â€Å"Our goal is to eliminate the ‘Catch 22' faced by producers of renewable technologies†¦without the promise of volume sales, there is little incentive for a company to make the investments that could bring down costs and make these products commercially viable on a large scale† (Chambers, 1998, p. ). BP Solar has invested some $200 million in solar power between 1996 and 2002, which has helped it build an 18 percent market share. It has launched a large advertising campaign in the US where it puts renewable energy at the fore of its offering. However, this was heavily criticised by Fortune Magazine (2002) bearing in mind its renewable energy business was worth just $1 billion compared to BP's total value of ? 115% billion (Murphy, 2002). Like Shell Renewables, BP Solar does not state how it will innovate to achieve its goals. However, unlike Shell Renewables strategy of joint ventures and acquisitions, BP Solar implements its strategy simply through large investments into its own manufacturing processes. According to Porter (1985): â€Å"The essence of formulating competitive strategy is relating a company to its environment† (p. 3) in relation to the industry or industries in which it competes. This leads companies to choose one of three generic strategies – low cost, differentiation or focus – which will help them to form competitive, profitable positions within the industry. To understand the low-cost strategies that both SBUs adopted, a formal PEST and five forces analysis of the SBUs (see Appendices III and IV), the key drivers for change and critical success factors (CSFs) for the industry (Appendix V) are outlined. The major trends in the global and alternative energy industries are briefly explained.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The two approaches of accounting research

The rationalist attack and the critical attack are the two attacks of accounting research. This article explains the constructs of rationalist attack and critical attack, and so explains some of the jobs of these two attacks. This article discusses the inter-relationship between accounting research, accounting criterions and accounting pattern. Through the research findings, this article use the instance of intangible assets to exemplify how accounting research impact on accounting criterions. Second, this article shows how accounting criterions effects accounting pattern. Third, this article explains the inter-relationship between accounting research and accounting pattern.IntroductionThe rationalist attack and the critical attack are the two methodological analysiss of accounting research. Hooper, Davey, Liyanarachchi and Prescott ( 2008, p20 ) described that the rationalist attack is by and large considered to be a combination of initiation and tax write-off. The traditional posit ion for the positive attack to research is to understanding and work outing jobs. The traditional features of the positive attack are empiricist philosophy, logic and causality. These features are frequently referred to as ontological, epistemic and methodological features of a research paradigm. Positive accounting research experiments to depict â€Å" what is † without doing any value judgements as to how things should be. The positive attack has been of import in recent old ages. The critical attack to accounting research does non supply a peculiar method or methodological analysis for research but instead a dialectic and Socratic attack to the rating of cognition claims ( Hooper et Al, 2008, p33 ) . The critical research focal point on the accounting theory that is concerned with deciding struggles between the corporation and general populace. The lone political orientation is the belief in humanity and the accompaniment and emancipation of world. Critical theory offers p rocedures for the consideration and rating of cognition claims without supplying a individual manner forward for the research worker. These two accounting research attacks are non reciprocally sole but are complementary. Hooper et Al ( 2008 ) states that the positive attack has a figure of jobs, such as deficiency of understanding on what the positive attack really is ; entreaties to the authorization of scientific discipline but focuses on behaviour and so on. The critical attack besides has some jobs, such as the critical research can non generalise findings ; critical research can non foretell or retroflex surveies. Both of these two theories have its ain advantages and disadvantages, it is necessary to unite the two methodological analysiss in existent accounting pattern environment. Accounting research helps accounting criterions compositors and others understand the economic universe, but accounting research does non seek prescriptions of techniques to do the universe better. However, cognizing what works and what does non work can assist corporations or standard compositors choose techniques that have the best opportunity of working in every bit yet unseasoned state of affairss. Accounting criterions have been categorized on the footing of their nature into two classs: principal-based criterions and rule-based criterions. Hooper et Al ( 2008 ) states that accounting criterions are based on a set of principals and constructs. Intangible assets defined as non-physical and non-monetary beginnings of likely future economic net incomes accruing to the house as a consequence of past events or dealing ( Canibano et al, 2000 ) . Intangible assets should be accounted and reported in the fiscal statement. Pine tree states, A Bartov, Fairfield, and Hirst ( 2003 ) states that for matter-of-fact grounds, most research on intangible assets focuses on those intangibles, intangible assets generated by R & A ; D expenditures. R & A ; D expenditures informations are widely available because R & A ; D expenditures must be disclosed individually under FASB No. 2, Accounting for Research and Development Costs. Because there is no such demand for other types of intangibles assets. Canibano et Al ( 2000 ) describes that control of the likely hereafter benefits originating from the intangible investing is considered by most accounting criterions puting organic structures as a basic necessity for acknowledgment. Lev and Zarowin ( 1999 ) suggest that intangible assets should be accounted for following the same methods applied for touchable assets, but at the same clip some statement arise that there are important differences between touchable and intangible assets which make it necessary to use different standards for the acknowledgment and rating of the latter ( Hendriksen, 1982 ) . Harmonizing to the SFAC6, paragraph 25, the FASB ( 1985a ) considers the ownership or control of the future benefits as the chief necessity for the acknowledgment of intangibles. If it is focus on the ownership of the benefits, so intangible assets such as human resource could be recognized. There is a new tendency in accounting research, which seems to be supplying strong support to coverage intangibles ( Canibano et al, 2000 ) . Accounting research suggests to utilize revelations on intangibles assets and those intangibles outgos have future much benefits, but that these future benefits are more like unsure than those associated with conventionally recognized assets. Therefore, there is some empirical support for the capitalisation of estimated R & A ; D intangibles. Given research consequences, Maines et Al ( 2003 ) makes the undermentioned recommendations: foremost, back up the FASB ‘s determination to add another undertaking which considers the revel ation and acknowledgment of information related to intangibles assets. Second, believe that the FASB needs to see acknowledgment of internally generated intangibles assets, because current accounting criterions require capitalisation economic similar as intangibles assets acquired externally. Third, Despite our support for intangible assets ‘s revelations related to and possible acknowledgment, we encourage the FASB to continue carefully on revelations and acknowledgment information on intangibles, given important uncertainnesss related to accounting research in this paticular country. Concerns related to this research include the undermentioned. Finally, while research paperss associations between intangibles information and designs make causal illation hard. All of the accounting research in this country is based on R & A ; D expenditures for informations handiness grounds. It is non clear how easy these accounting research consequences generalize to other types of intangibl es assets. Accounting Standards play an of import function in accounting pattern. McCombie and Deo ( 2005 ) province that accounting criterions provide the comptroller with a guideline to studies economic minutess and events for an organisation. The accounting criterions are besides described â€Å" as a piece of delegated statute law†¦ parliament has given the power of doing accounting criterions to a organic structure that has experts on it instead than developing the paperss itself as a organic structure of legislators † ( Ravlic, 2003 ) . The figure of companies that have to use criterions in fixing fiscal studies is hence rather of import. Macve ( 2010 ) states that audited histories are portion of an organisation that defines the economic environment in a state, or across states, and enables investors to hold assurance in the system as a whole as one to which to intrust their money. This was justified by Edwards ( 1938 ) in his call for a radical reform of UK accounting patter n. It still seems as true today. In the position of the US SEC it is the overall government of criterions of corporate administration, accounting, scrutinizing and enforcement in a state that lowers the cost of capital to houses in that economic system and thereby stimulates investing and economic growing. This consequence is likely greater than what any single house can accomplish by bettering its ain accounting and revelations ( californium. Botosan, 2006 ) . The speed uping growing of accounting patterns over the old ages has changed the format of corporate one-year studies. International Accounting Standards ( IASs ) and International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS ) , along with other statutory demands, have changed the manner in which fiscal statements are reported ( Gouws and Cronje , 2008 ) . All the information is generated by a diverseness of accounting patterns, all of which are hence deserving researching. Accounting research leads to an enhanced apprehension of th e fact that these patterns are driven by two systems that provide the information included in corporate one-year studies. This shows that patterns peripheral to traditional accounting patterns besides have an of import function to play, both for educational establishments and accounting. Accounting patterns should non be seen in isolation ( that is, merely from an accounting position ) , as they are multidisciplinary in nature. Environmental patterns and information, societal patterns and information, ethical patterns and information, every bit good as direction accounting patterns and information, together with fiscal accounting patterns and information, organize the context within which describing in corporate one-year studies takes topographic point ( Gouws and Cronje , 2008 ) . Accounting Research have made Accounting Practice more efficient and effectual, but Accounting research and accounting pattern are non ever seemed to be synchrony. One of the great attractive forces of carry oning applied accounting research in accounting pattern is that the research subjects extend beyond the normal boundaries. It brings worldviews into struggle, improves accounting pattern, and raises uncertainties about professional societal and values ( Schiehll, Borba, & A ; Murcia, 2007 ) . HENDRIKSEN ( 1982 ) corroborates this statement, adding that accounting theory may be defined as logical logical thinking in the signifier of two rules that: ( 1 ) accounting research provide a general frame of mention by which accounting pattern can be evaluated, and ( 2 ) accounting research guide the development of new accounting patterns and processs. However, some of the research shows consequences of accounting research have non led to alterations in accounting pattern ; this may be caused by practicians non accepting the research findings or a slowdown in seting new accounting theory into accounting pattern. This has been an over-emphasis on a theory and the research consequences in some instances, and it is right that standard-setters and practicians have non accepted or have been cautious in utilizing the accounting research consequences as a footing for new accounting regulations and patterns, such as market efficiency research. However, in other instances research appears to be rather utile to standard compositors as they set up new regulations and patterns, such as net incomes direction research. Llewellyn and Sue ( 1996 ) states that theories for pattern would put more accent on theory as â€Å" a map or formula or instructions manual which provide agencies by which we can make things in the universe or header with events † . Auditing Practice, Research, and Education, A Productive Collaboration, published in 1995 through a joint attempt of the American Accounting Association and the AICPA, set the end of fixing a monograph â€Å" documenting the successes of anterior, less-harried times when collaborative attempts produced important penetrations and frequently solutions to disputing scrutinizing jobs † ( Bell and Wright, pg 178 ) . They explain the â€Å" rich heritage of practician or academician coaction in turn toing scrutinizing challenges. † The writers indicate the importance of a periodic reappraisal of academic research for usage of those in pattern. The monograph besides calls for increased interaction with practicians, the usage of â€Å" academic research chaps † in pattern, and integrating of the research procedure into audit instruction ( Anderson et al, 2003 ) . Accounting pattern depends on accounting research, and accounting research guide the development for accounting pattern.DecisionBoth of the rationalist attack and the critical attack has its ain advantages and disadvantages, the best manner to utilize accounting research is to unite the two methodological analysiss in existent accounting pattern environment. The inter-relationships between accounting research, accounting criterions and accounting pattern are Accounting research helps accounting criterions compositors and others understand the economic universe, accounting research have made accounting Practice more efficient and effectual, but accounting research and accounting pattern are non ever seem to be synchrony. Accounting criterions provide the comptroller with a guideline to studies economic minutess and events for an organisation.

Political Risk in Venezuela

The political climate in Venezuela is very unsettled, this is because of the course of action the president decides to take. However the biggest risk is to industry –type company’s that have major operations in Venezuela. This is exemplified in the operations of foreign oil companies and mining companies with operation in or with Venezuela. The greatest risk in conducting business is straightforward expropriation. Another major risk that foreign companies face while operating in Venezuela is increased income tax. The tax rates tend to be subjective and can change depending on the revenue and size (growth) of the company. The largest risk facing any foreign company such as the proposed from class is converting the local currency (Bolivar) to outside currency. This is mainly because of the bureaucracy involved exchanging the currency, which is governed by the Central Bank of Venezuela and the National Exchange Control Administration. This is especially applicable to the U. S. currency because of current relations. * The additional expenditures accumulate because of time and resources required to transfer money abroad. Venezuela's democracy is broken according to the standards of the OAS Inter-American Democratic Charter. This may mean that changes to the political climate to further burden the operations of business will prove to be futile. Living Conditions Venezuela has a national poverty percentage of 52% according to the World Bank. There is considerable income inequality, especially in densely populated areas. This becomes a concern because Venezuela has had massive economic growth compared to historical percentages. The unemployment rate is 6. 6% at the year-end of 2009. This is considered to be low when factoring in that many people engage in subsistence farming and small-scale trade, which is not considered part of the unemployment count. There is a large gap in income where the population is considerably wealthy or poor to very poor. The population averages out to upper middle class income. The World Bank states that the GNI per capita in Venezuela is $12,370 USD in 2009 (The World Bank). However with 95% literacy rate we can deduce that many Venezuelans are well educated. This widens the market segment for products that involve interaction with the individual. One such example would be exercise products that come with routines by book and/or video. Inner city residents live in apartments, condominiums and small houses, which are in close proximity. The cost of living increases closer to the city center especially in large cities such as Caracas. The inner city residents are mostly middle class to upper middle class. Upper class Venezuelans live outside the city usually in the hills in gated communities. The lower class lives in slums located in the perimeter of the cities and use public transportation to go to the city center. The lower class may also live on estates and work for the upper class in large numbers especially on large farms. Reference

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Solar power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Solar power - Essay Example solar power market (Clean Energy Group and Smart Power 10).The solar power market has grown in the recent past but more needs to be done to sensitize consumers on its existence. One of the ways to ensure that solar power is attractive to individual consumers is by launching an advertising campaign based on solar energy’s characteristics. The unique features of solar such as it is the most abundant source of energy should be taken advantage of by advertisers. A television or radio commercial will appeal to a larger portion of the market. The prospective consumers who watch or listen to television or radio will be reached. There several ways through which United States government make solar power affordable to its citizens. The first on is offering subsidies to solar power companies. This would consecutively reduce the costs of producing solar panels, translating into lowered prices for solar panels, as well as, acquisition, and installation (Sunhot n.p). This would make solar power affordable to the citizens and more competitive in the market. Secondly, United States’ government needs to establish and implement policies that are favorable for solar power improvement and development. Lastly, the government needs to encourage research, creativity, economies of scale, and better technological solar systems that will sequentially reduce production costs (Office of energy efficiency and renewable energy n.p). The effectiveness of solar energy is, however, subject to discussion. The major limitation to its effectiveness is the fact that, solar can only produce power during the day which can further be reduced by cloud cover. Secondly, materials used in making solar panels, cadmium and lead, are considered harmful (Zachary n.p). When disposing solar panels one needs to be keen not to expose cadmium to the soil, to prevent it from leeching into the underground waters. Lastly, currently the costs of installing solar arrays for an entire home might be costly. This